Amber Fatima Rahman

Class of 2025
Undergraduate, Major

​​Amber Fatima Rahman is a member of the Class of 2024 pursuing a degree in the African American Studies department on the Race and Public Policy track along with a minor in Technology and Society. Dedicated to transnational justice for all, Amber is committed to organizing towards liberation alongside marginalized, surveilled, and occupied communities within the U.S. and abroad. Her research disrupts the relationships between technological development, carcerality, and settler colonialism, drawing connections between global surveillance practices and transnational strategies for resistance. Amber loves being in the AAS department because of its commitments to liberation. Amber works in the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab to build abolitionist frameworks to resist racialized surveillance and carceral technologies. She is a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow and a member of the Undergraduate Board of Advisors (UBA) to help advise the department. She is a student organizer with SPEAR (Students for Prison Education, Abolition, and Reform) and with the Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP). She grew up in NYC and loves to embroider, eat good food with friends, and play badminton.