What role do critiques of US imperial strategy have within the field of Black Studies, and in what ways should these critiques impact public policy?

This lecture will explore these questions by considering the debates on anti-imperialism through a range of institutions and organizations, paying special attention to questions of US foreign intervention and the political-economy of militarism.
Peter James Hudson is an associate professor of African American Studies and History at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean (University of Chicago Press, 2017). His essays, reviews, and commentary have appeared in Black Agenda Report, Boston Review, The CLR James Journal, Haiti Liberte, Small Axe, Radical History Review, Race & Class, and other venues. Hudson is currently working on two projects: a history of the African origins of "racial capitalism," and a political and intellectual history of pan-Africanism, tentatively titled George Padmore: Decolonization and the Pan-African Century. Hudson is also an editor of The Black Agenda Review, the political education supplement of The Black Agenda Report, and he is a member of the Haiti-Americas committee of the Black Alliance for Peace.
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